
Simply Great Reports
Having a platform that is easy to use is great, however, having access to some of Australia’s market leading reports as well is even better.

Reports AvailableiOSAndroid
Standard Property Report (AS 4349.1)
Standard Timber Pest Report (AS 4349.3)
Standard Property & Timber Pest Report (AS 4349.1 & AS 4349.3)
Termite Detection Report (AS 3660.2)
Termite Certificate of Treatment (AS 3660.2)
Termite Certificate of Installation (AS 3660.1)
Pest Management Certificate of Treatment
Subterranean Termite Management Proposal & Agreement (AS 3660.2)
Drawing Program


Key Features of Reports

The app report formats are of the highest quality as they have been vetted for technical accuracy by an independent industry authority and are subject to ongoing legal review.

Reports currently available on the APP include; property report (AS 4349.1), timber pest report (AS 4349.3); combined property and timber pest report (AS 4349.1 & AS 4349.3); and termite report (AS 3660.2).


There are many more reports and forms being developed, including but not limited to: swimming pool barrier safety inspection report (AS 1926.1); termite certificate of installation (AS 3660.1); termite certificate of treatment (AS 3660.2); pest management certificate of treatment.

The reporting APP is available for both Apple and Android devices and can be accessed both online and offline in the field.

A key feature of the APP is the ability to easily insert photographs in the report. The app has a drawing program allowing the inspector to simply use a finger to draw an arrow on the photograph to indicate such issues as the position of a defect. Additional comments can also be placed under the photograph.


Reports are easily uploaded and securely stored on the web portal. The inspector or office staff can quickly retrieve a report to make changes or check the report before being sent to the client.

For ease and security, the APP generates the report as a PDF file that can be emailed directly to the client.

This is a cost effective service from just $50.00 a month. The above key features can help the inspector save both time and money and enhance the delivery of a professional and compliant report to the client.

Inspectors can judge the benefits of this latest technology for themselves by requesting a free trial from (registration link)