Conditions Conducive To Timber Pest Attack

18, Dec 2023

When conducting a timber pest inspection, it is important to ascertain if the site and construction of the house are highly conducive to timber pests. Factors include, but are not limited to:

  • What is the construction of the house (e.g. the house is on a cut and fill slab construction)?
  • Is the construction type a ‘High’ risk when considering undetected termite entry/activity?
  • Has the building been modified or extended?
  • Due to the level of accessibility for inspection including the presence of obstructions, what is the overall degree of risk of undetected timber pest attack and conditions conducive to timber pest attack?
  • What is the age of the building and what timber species have been used in construction and the timbers susceptibility to wood borer attack or fungal decay?
  • Is there a readily available food source for termites under or around the building?
  • Is there evidence of excessive moisture?
  • Is there any evidence of other conditions conducive to timber pest attack, e.g. insufficient inspection zones or bridging or breaching of a termite management system?
  • Evidence of a previous termite management system. Is there a durable notice in the electrical meter box to indicate that any termite program is in place?

It is imperative that you:

  • Identify conditions conducive to timber pests;
  • Identify limitations in respect of the construction type;
  • Report on noticeable conditions conducive to timber pest attack;
  • Recommend further expert advice, follow-up inspections or rectification work, where appropriate.

Further reading / information on conditions conducive to timber pest attack can be found in the following publications:

  • Report Systems Australia Handbook Standard Timber Pest Detection Reports, Uniform Inspection Guidelines for Timber Pest Detection Consultants. Fourth Edition, November 2010.
    • Subscribers get access to the knowledge base which contains all the handbook information.
  • Australian Standard, AS 4349.3-2010, Inspection of Buildings, Part 3: Timber Pest Inspections.
  • Australian Standard, AS 3660.2: 2017, Termite Management in and around Existing Buildings.